ipythonblocks.org Move: Part 4 – Application Updates

This is Part 4 in a series of blog posts describing my move of ipythonblogs.org from Rackspace to Heroku. In this post I’ll describe the updates I’ve made to the application layer of ipythonblocks.org. Other posts are:

  • Part 1: Introduction and Architecture
  • Part 2: Data Migration
  • Part 3: Database Interface Updates
  • Part 4: Application Updates

The application logic is not really changed in this update, the bulk of changes are to support providing SQLAlchemy sessions to allow database access during requests. (See Part 3 for discussion of the database interface layer of ipythonblocks.org.)

Application Overview

ipythonblocks.org is powered by Tornado, which combines an application framework, web server, and asynchronous features. On Heroku the application is started with the command

python -m app.app --port=$PORT --db_url=$DATABASE_URL

$PORT and $DATABASE_URL are environment variables provided by Heroku to specify, respectively, which port to listen on and where to find the Postgres database attached to the app. These are parsed from the command line by Tornado’s options module and made available globally on the tornado.options.options variable. Continue reading “ipythonblocks.org Move: Part 4 – Application Updates”

ipythonblocks.org Move: Part 4 – Application Updates

ipythonblocks.org Move: Part 3 — Database Interface

This is Part 3 in a series of blog posts describing my move of ipythonblogs.org from Rackspace to Heroku. In this post I’ll describe the updates I’ve made to the database interface module of ipythonblocks.org. Other posts are:

  • Part 1: Introduction and Architecture
  • Part 2: Data Migration
  • Part 3: Database Interface Updates
  • Part 4: Application Updates

The big change to the database interface module was the switch from dataset to SQLAlchemy for database abstraction. This involves using the ORM models described in Part 2, removing the JSON de/serialization functions needed to use SQLite, removing use of memcached, and updating tests to use a Postgres database to match production. The full diff is here, but I’ll breakdown the important points below. Continue reading “ipythonblocks.org Move: Part 3 — Database Interface”

ipythonblocks.org Move: Part 3 — Database Interface

ipythonblocks.org Move: Part 2 – Data Migration

This is Part 2 in a series of blog posts describing my move of ipythonblogs.org from Rackspace to Heroku. In Part 1 of this series I described my motivation for the move and the broad changes I expect to make as part of the migration. In this post I’ll describe the grid data model and how I migrated the existing grid data from SQLite to Postgres. Other posts are:

  • Part 1: Introduction and Architecture
  • Part 2: Data Migration
  • Part 3: Database Interface Updates
  • Part 4: Application Updates

Continue reading “ipythonblocks.org Move: Part 2 – Data Migration”

ipythonblocks.org Move: Part 2 – Data Migration

ipythonblocks.org Move: Part 1

This is Part 1 in a series of blog posts describing my move of ipythonblogs.org from Rackspace to Heroku. In this first post I’ll describe the existing deployment and what I intend to change during the migration. Other posts are:

  • Part 1: Introduction and Architecture
  • Part 2: Data Migration
  • Part 3: Database Interface
  • Part 4: Application Updates

As a side project I maintain a Python library called ipythonblocks that displays colored grids in a Jupyter Notebook. (See also this intro blog post.) It can be useful for teaching or for a bit of fun art. I also maintain the website ipythonblocks.org that allows users to post their ipythonblocks grids on the internet to be shared. ipythonblocks.org has been hosted on Rackspace since I first launched it, but now I’m migrating the site to Heroku for easier maintenance and deployment. Continue reading “ipythonblocks.org Move: Part 1”

ipythonblocks.org Move: Part 1

The Libraries of ipythonblocks.org

In this post I’ll describe the libraries used by ipythonblocks.org to turn requests into web pages and JSON to send back to users. In some future posts I’ll describe how it’s actually put on the internet. If you’re curious about the code you can see it on GitHub.

Back End

The back end consists of GET and POST REST endpoints for ipythonblocks to talk to and handlers for the site itself: main and about pages, a random grid redirect, and the individual grid views. In all there are about six handlers for all of ipythonblocks.org.


ipythonblocks.org is such a simple site that any lightweight framework could probably handle it. I went with Tornado mainly because I’ve used it before and I like the way applications are designed using Tornado. That it includes a template engine and a high performance web server are also pluses. If I’d not used Tornado, Flask and Jinja2 would have been my second choice.


Choosing a database was something of an agonizing decision. You can choose from SQL, NoSQL, and key-value stores; and within each of those you have many more choices. I like the simplicity of working with schema-less databases like MongoDB, and I was very intrigued by RethinkDB, but in the interest of having a simple setup that allowed me to focus on developing app logic I ended up using sqlite. I use the dataset library to take care of some of the SQL overhead (like table creation) so that I can combine the simplicity of sqlite with a more NoSQL-like interface.

At some point I may want to move to another database, especially one running on a dedicated machine so that swapping the application server can be done without worrying about the database. When I get to that point I’ll probably take another look at RethinkDB and see if it’s ready for my application.

To avoid database lookups of recently visited pages I’m using memcached and talking to it from Python via the pylibmc library.


Python’s built in logging can certainly get the job done, but its interface has some rough edges I don’t like. Configuration can be painful for sophisticated cases and any kind of structured logging requires custom formatting. I think Twiggy is a much more “Pythonic” approach to logging with simpler configuration and built in structured logging. ipythonblocks.org was my first time using Twiggy and I’d use it again. (Though it is unfortunately not Python 3 compatible at this time.)


Requests to the POST endpoint are validated using jsonschema. This provides protection for the app against incorrectly configured requests and can be used as a kind of documentation on what requests should look like.

I use the hashids library to turn the integer SQL IDs of grid entries into short strings, as in http://ipythonblocks.org/zcezcM. This is a URL form people are familiar with and it allows the implementation of “secret” grid posts that have public URLs but are difficult to find unless someone gives you the URL.

Users of ipythonblocks can include code with their posted grids and I use Pygments to highlight the syntax of the code and format it for HTML. Pygments is decent enough to escape HTML included in the posted code so I don’t have to worry about that breaking the page rendering. The color scheme used is Base16 Chalk Light via https://github.com/idleberg/base16-pygments.

Finally, I use ipythonblocks itself to turn grid data into rendered HTML via the same methods used by the IPython Notebook.

Front End

The back end renders and delivers static HTML to browsers (or JSON to ipythonblocks) so there isn’t much fancy going on in the front end. I use CSS media queries to adjust the site margins for small screens, and on the front page I use Pure CSS grids to make a responsive three-column layout that collapses to a single column on small screens.

ipythonblocks.org uses the Source family of fonts from Adobe delivered by Google Fonts.

The Libraries of ipythonblocks.org

Announcing ipythonblocks.org

Way back…

About a year ago, inspired by Greg Wilson, I wrote ipythonblocks as a fun way for students (and anyone else!) to practice writing Python with immediate, step-by-step, visual feedback about what their code is doing. When I’ve taught using ipythonblocks it has always been a hit—people love making things they can see. And after making things people love to share them.

Sometime last year Tracy Teal suggested I make a site where students could post their work from ipythonblocks, share it, and even grab the work of others to remix. Today I’m happy to announce that that site is live: ipythonblocks.org.

How it works

With the latest release of ipythonblocks students can use post_to_web and from_web methods to interact with ipythonblocks.org. post_to_web can include code cells from the notebook so the creation process can be shared, not just the final result. from_web can pull a grid from ipythonblocks.org for a student to remix locally. See this notebook for a demonstration.

Thank you

There are many people to thank for helping to make ipythonblocks.org possible. Thanks to Tracy Teal for the original idea, thanks to Rackspace and Jesse Noller for providing hosting, and thanks to Kyle Kelley for helping with ops and deployment.  Most of all, thanks to my family for putting up with me working at a startup and taking on projects.

Announcing ipythonblocks.org

Teaching with ipythonblocks at UW

I’ve got a blog post up over on the Software Carpentry blog about trying out ipythonblocks in the classroom for the first time. Summary: it was a hit! The students really got a lot out of being able to immediately see the result of their code. We also did a lot of “what do you think this will do?”, which I think helped get the students thinking a bit more computationally. Some of the more advanced students even struck off on their own making their own designs instead of just sitting there bored.

I’m really looking forward to using ipythonblocks again at my next boot camps in May, and I hope others get some use out of it in the meantime!

Teaching with ipythonblocks at UW